High Spirits
High Spirits is a 1988 sex farce with ghosts, both real and fake. Also Peter O’Toole. Yes, really.
Julia brings us something … unexpected. It’s a 1988 sex farce with ghosts, both real and fake. Also Peter O’Toole. Yes, really.
Listen to "High Spirits" on Spreaker.
Here’s Julia’s summary:
Steve Guttenberg and his wife(?) who I think is blonde? Go to a castle … in Scotland or Ireland maybe? And then there are ghosts there and the wife, or maybe both parties, fall(s) in love with ghost(s). There’s a scene where a male ghost rubs a woman’s back, maybe in a bathtub. And I am pretty sure they say, “I would tup with thee.” I remember being simultaneously really excited to see this movie because ghosts but also scared … because ghosts. I am so curious about what else actually happens in this movie…
This is all right enough, but misses out on a ton of the plot. There’s so much more to this movie—and our discussion, which runs as long as the movie itself… You’re welcome/we’re sorry?